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ACI Motors Ltd Is Going To Arrange Feel The Premiumness With Yamaha !
Last updated on 12-Aug-2024 , By Arif Raihan Opu
Yamaha Motorcycle Bangladesh - ACI Motors LTD is going to arrange a program for their bikers and customers. They called this event "Feel The Premiumness". In this program, there are lots of activities for bikers and customers.
ACI Motors Ltd Is Going To Arrange Feel The Premiumness With Yamaha !
Yamaha always thinking about its customers and bikers. Yamaha has also a club which is Yamaha Riders Club (YRC) for its bikers. With the YRC Yamaha is going to arrange the "Feel The Premiumness" all over Bangladesh at different times and dates. This is one kind of a get-together for Yamaha riders.

Feel The Premiumness - Program Date & Time
In this program, there will be some activities for customers and bikers. The most exciting event is the Test Ride and Bike Exchange Program. Last Year Yamaha started the Bike Exchange event for bikers. Where a biker who wants to buy a Yamaha bike can exchange their old bike for a new Yamaha motorcycle, with some terms and conditions.
YRC Cox's Bazar Riding Fiesta 2019
Yamaha is going to arrange this with YRC. In this event, there will food, giving YRC members form, program feedback form, soundbox, water, first aid box, and for team YRC there will be food for them. This program will happen in three stages, first 17th January 2020 to 18th January 2020 the program will be held on Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi. In the second stage 19th January 2020 - 20th January 2020 the program will be held on Comilla. The final stage will be held on 24th January 2020 - 25th January 2020 in Chittagong, Barishal, Dhaka, Rangpur.

Also read: Narsingdi Showroom in Narsingdi, Dhaka.Before this program, Yamaha is giving Rev Up Even offer and a few days ago they are going to arrange a get together for Yamaha Riders, but some reason the program canceled. Last year, Yamaha arranging the biggest event which was Cox's-Bazar Riding Fiesta 2019. Yamaha came up with this new event for the bikers and customers. It will be a great initiative for Yamaha for those who wants to buy a Yamaha bike. This will be a great program for the outside of Dhaka.
Published by Arif Raihan Opu